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How we're helping


Growth in demand for our services

Paddock Wood Community Advice Centre provides free, confidential advice services in your local area.

Our top four advice areas over the last year were welfare benefits, housing, debt and family matters, but consumer issues have been increasingly complex and time-consuming. Demand for our free, independent advice services was 78% higher in the first three months of 2023 than in the equivalent three months of 2022, a reflection not only of the cost of living crisis and the lasting shadow of the pandemic on personal and financial resilience but also, we believe, because clients find our face-to face advice services both accessible and friendly. PWCAC is available to everyone, but we have always been careful to deliver our services in a manner which best suits the most vulnerable in society who tend to be those with health, literacy or digital access limitations who need a high degree of personal support to solve their problems.

Our impact in the year to 31 March 2023




Contacts with clients


Financial gain secured for our clients

9 of 11

Appeals won at the First Tier Tribunal

Where our clients come from:

Paddock Wood 42%

Local Villages 33%

Tunbridge Wells 8%

Tonbridge 4%

Maidstone 3%

Other 9%

We currently have a team of 17 trained volunteers to whom we are hugely grateful for their commitment: by giving their time for free we manage to run the organisation on a modest annual budget but it is still a considerable sum to raise from local foundations, Parish and Town Councils and local individuals.

If you are interested in donating, please contact Katie, our Senior Manager, on 01892 838 619 or by email PWCAC is a registered charity so donations may be eligible for gift aid, depending on your tax status. We would be very pleased to hear from you.

PWCAC is OPEN for face-to-face advice (appointments and drop-ins) Monday to Friday, 9:30 – 1:30. If you need advice about welfare benefits, housing and homelessness, debt, employment, relationship breakdown or anything else, do get in touch with us: | 01892 838619 , 94 Commercial Road, Paddock Wood, TN12 6DP

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