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Be Winter Ready!


Be Winter Ready: make a plan for when there is a power cut

Keep a mobile phone fully charged so you can still communicate and access the internet if you have a power cut. This will become especially important once telephone lines change to digital over the next two years because landlines will cease to work without power.

Save these numbers to your phone:

  • 105, the free national power cut emergency number

  • 0800 111 999, the free national gas emergency number

· Keep emergency items easily accessible in the dark:

  • a working torch with spare batteries

  • warm clothes and blankets

  • food which doesn’t need heating

If you have a smart phone, follow your network operator, UK Power Networks, on social media so you can find local updates with ease or save their webpage to your favourites on a smartphone.

If you need medical equipment that requires electricity, you should check back up equipment is in working order.

If you have extra needs, for example you are over state pension age, have physical or mental health disabilities, or young children, call UK Power Networks now on 0800 169 9970 to be added to the Priority Services Register. You will receive advance notice of scheduled power cuts and priority support in an emergency.

If the lights do go out... remember to check on neighbours who might need extra help.

PWCAC is OPEN for face-to-face advice (appointments and drop-ins) Monday to Friday, 9:30 – 1:30. If you need advice about the above or about housing and homelessness, debt, relationship breakdown, welfare benefits or anything else, get in touch with us: | 01892 838619 , 94 Commercial Road, Paddock Wood, TN12 6DP

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