It can be difficult to know which websites you can trust when you have money issues. An internet search can lead you to organisations who are hoping to profit from your problems.
One website we recommend as dependable is the government’s free and impartial
They have two easy to use tools which you might find particularly useful:
Budget Planner allows you to track your spending against your income. It’s a great first step if you’re wanting to reduce debts, start saving or work out if you can afford a change in your lifestyle.
Bill Prioritiser asks you to identify the bills which are worrying you and then offers practical help on how to deal with each of them and which ones to tackle first.
If you have debts you cannot afford to repay and you want to understand what options are available to you, is a good place to start. Don’t be tempted by advertisers of IVAs unless you have sought impartial advice from an organisation like Paddock Wood Community Advice Centre, as an IVA is only suited to a very small number of people.
PWCAC is OPEN for face-to-face advice (appointments and drop-ins) Monday to Friday, 9:30am to 1:30pm. If you need advice about issues relating to housing and homelessness, debt, relationship breakdown, other welfare benefits, employment or anything else, please do get in touch.